I’ve heard that a tree grows stronger by enduring the wind, especially the strong winds of a storm. I heard it makes their roots dig deeper. Each time the tree endures the winds of the storm and remains standing, it can better withstand the next storm.

I recently had a conversation with my pastor. He encouraged me to have a challenging conversation with someone else. “It’s the wind,” he pointed out. Would I take on this challenge to endure the wind, to embrace an uncomfortable situation, to allow God to grow me stronger?


Lately, my husband has really been trying to seek and discern what God is saying to him. He was challenged by a prompting from God. He did not want to obey. He believed God responded by saying, “If you’re not going to obey the little things, I won’t trust you with bigger things.” In the Bible, Luke 16:10 (NIV) tells us “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…”

This challenged me to wonder if I am obeying what God is saying to me. Or am I dismissing it as “no big deal,” “that’s too crazy,” or “nah, that wasn’t God speaking…” because I am unwilling to be uncomfortable?


Recently, my husband and I were waiting in line at the grocery store. The lady in front of us seemed insecure. When it was time for her to pay, she couldn’t find her money. My husband stepped in front of the credit card reader and gladly paid for her groceries. The cashier then started scanning our items, and I went to the end of the conveyer belt to start bagging our groceries, facing the other lady, who was finishing bagging hers.

“Should I talk to her? Or should I just leave her alone?” I wondered. I looked her in the eye. Her face wore the look of sadness and maybe shame. I felt compassion for her. “Is there anything else we can help you with?” I asked her. She answered that she hopes to be in a place where she can help others, and what we did was helpful enough. I wish I could’ve done more, but hoped she was blessed.

What would’ve happened if we hadn’t been there, and my husband didn’t follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit to help her? We stepped out of our comfort zones, and I trust God will bless it.


Just the other day, I was holding my phone, getting ready to call my cousin. My phone started ringing and an unknown number showed up on my screen. I usually ignored these kinds of phone calls, but the number was from a small town near where I used to live – not a place I suspected a telemarketer or scammer to be calling from. So I answered.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hello?” said an unfamiliar voice. “Who’s this?”

She called me, so I answered, “You tell me first.”

“This is Hope.” She explained she was trying to call her daughter’s phone.

“This is Lindsey,” I replied, “Sorry, but you must have the wrong number.”

She apologized and I told her not to worry about it.

After I hung up, I thought it was so interesting that Hope called me – “randomly.” I believed that the name Hope was a reminder that God has something in store. It seemed too strangely meaningful to be a coincidence.

“Does this mean something?” I asked God. I felt like I should pray for her. So I did. But then I felt like I should call her back and ask her if I could pray for her. …

“Isn’t that too weird?” I wondered to myself. I don’t really like calling people, especially strangers, but the feeling to call her was strong.

So, I did call her back. She answered.

“I don’t believe it was a coincidence you called me. Can I pray for you?” I asked her.

“I can always use prayer,” she responded. I thanked God for the reminder of her name – Hope. I prayed God would bless her and provide for her needs.

I did something crazy. I called a stranger and prayed for her. I have no idea what God will do with that, but I trust it will be something special.


Later that same day, I went out to my van to get a turkey I brought home that I was going to prepare for supper. I saw my Spanish-speaking neighbor in his driveway. I felt like maybe I should give him the turkey. But we were going to have it for supper, so I brought it inside.

I set it on the table. “I really feel like I should give this to my neighbor,” I thought to myself, “but isn’t that strange?” I realized that if I didn’t give the turkey to my neighbor, like I felt prompted to, I would probably regret it. So, I grabbed the turkey and brought it over to my neighbor.

I did my best to speak Spanish to him in the best way I knew how. Thankfully God reminded me of the Spanish word for “meat”, so he could understand what I was giving him. He accepted the gift.

I went back to my house, but very soon afterward I found him again and invited him to my church (in Spanish) and gave him a Spanish CD. It is something I had been feeling like I needed or wanted to do for several weeks.

I felt like I had accomplished something amazing. I did something out of the ordinary, even though at first it was uncomfortable. I attempted a conversation in a foreign language and gave gifts to a stranger. I have no idea what God is going to do with it, but I trust it will be something amazing.


These encounters, along with many others I have been experiencing lately, have definitely taken me out of my comfort zone. The idea to do the crazy or unusual comes into my mind and fear sneaks in with it. There are all kinds of “what if’s.” What if people around me think there’s something wrong with me? What if my words or actions are rejected? What if I am put in an awkward position? What if I fail?

BUT… What if I don’t do this, and I miss out on a blessing – for me and those around me? What if by not doing what I believe God is asking me to do, He will not partner with me in more? What if someone’s life is changed, or someone’s heart is healed if I say “yes” to what God is leading me to?

Can I embrace the wind of doubts, uncertainties and discomforts to allow myself to become a stronger tree? When I push through these challenges, and I come out on the other side still standing, it helps my faith grow. I can do my best, and trust the Holy Spirit to do the rest. My roots in Him grow deeper. The more I endure uncomfortable, “crazy” situations, the better I can withstand the winds of the next storm.

“For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:3-4 (NLT)


  • Lindsey

    I love to journal, play musical instruments, and go on nature walks. I love to hear others’ stories and share with others what God has been doing in my life. I desire for others to know God’s Love and the Truth that sets us free. I am an Influencer, Encourager, and Disciple-Maker. My husband and I are raising 6 daughters, a dog, and a cat.

One thought on “ENDURING THE WIND

  1. Rachel says:

    Thank you for sharing how God is moving in your life. It’s encouraging to visualize how the Holy Spirit is leading you to step out in faith. I trust all of these encounters will bring forth good fruit. They will each be used to further God’s kingdom in a mighty way. Amen!

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