Just Start Moving


It’s been a dream of mine to write a book. I used to think I needed to wait until I was old and retired before I could write a book. But then, about 10 years ago, my husband and sisters encouraged me to write. I was a young wife with 3 small kids, so I certainly didn’t feel the need to have something “extra” to do. I had never thought about writing at that point in time – until my husband and sisters put the thought in my mind.

During the next few years, I spent time learning how to write books. I attended online classes and a writers’ conference. While nursing my baby, I read class material. My notebooks started to fill up with memories and ideas and outlines. I joined a writing group.

My story started coming together. I consulted my journals for ideas. At least three to four different times, I attempted to start my story. I took yet another writing class online. Then, I tried starting my story again. But I stopped. I felt stuck.


I heard one of my pastors once say, “God can’t steer a parked car.”

I suppose that’s true. If you are sitting in a car, you can push on the gas pedal, but if the car is in park, it will not move. You can turn the steering wheel. The tires will move back and forth on the pavement, but the car will not move if it is still in park. You need to take it out of park in order for it to move and be steered.

For me, life happened. I had three more kids. My husband and I went through different job, school, and schedule changes. Writing became much less of a priority to me. Really, I didn’t make room in my schedule for it hardly at all. My writing notebooks and writing class binders sat on my shelf, collecting dust.

I often had it in my mind as something I “should” do. But my endeavors were paused for a couple years.


Recently, it was getting close to my daughter’s birthday. I felt it strongly in my heart to write a book for her. I had something in mind that I thought I could write about, but I only had one week to do it. My goal was to write 8,000-10,000 words in this story. Could I do it in one week? I didn’t want to put unrealistic expectations on myself and get stressed out, but I also knew that anything is possible with God.

My computer was ready for me to write. I wrote down some notes and set up an outline. It was a struggle to get what I had in mind on “paper.” I thought hard about how to put my thinking into words as I faced my computer screen. I wasn’t sure how it was all going to come out. It was difficult to make my fingers type some words. From there, I was able to type some more. I just needed to start moving!

Much of the time while getting out the words of that book, I sat in front of the computer and said, “Writing is hard.” It was hard to get those words out. But I kept pushing through. God guided me and gifted me with time. He helped me finish my first rough draft by the end of the week! I did it! I had something! It wasn’t the final version, but I was able to give a copy of the book to my daughter for her birthday. I started driving and God steered me to the destination.


Maybe you have a dream you feel like you haven’t been able to start. Maybe you are looking for a job and don’t know where to turn in your applications. Maybe you are graduating from high school and you have no idea what kind of career you’d like to pursue, or what to study in college.

Sometimes you don’t end up where you were originally headed. But God uses those different stops along the way to help you gain something to help you at your destination. If you’re faced with something difficult, and you’re not even sure which direction to go, take a step. The Lord will direct you from there.

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.
Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)


  • I love to journal, play musical instruments, and go on nature walks. I love to hear others’ stories and share with others what God has been doing in my life. I desire for others to know God’s Love and the Truth that sets us free. I am an Influencer, Encourager, and Disciple-Maker. My husband and I are raising 6 daughters, a dog, and a cat.

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4 thoughts on “Just Start Moving

  1. Rachel says:

    Lindsey, you have motivated me to try writing a childrens book. I am going to write it with help and guidance from my 6 yo. 😀 Even if it doesn’t get published, it will be something lasting we did together. Praise God for your perseverance in your passion for writing!

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